Does your product mainly depend on building space or outdoor space? (hotels, shopping space, sports facilities, exhibition facilities etc. Or for public bodies: streets, beaches, nature areas etc)
Did you consider what categories of organisations, associations and entrepreneurs might be interested in “sharing” your space for performative events, such as for example shows, games, exhibitions etc?
Did analyze the carrying capacity for your premises for scene-making activities?
Did you consider, how your sharing (lending, leasing) of space could contribute positively to your business image in the media?
Did you consider, how your sharing (lending, leasing) of space could bring in audiences and extra turnover in your business?
Did you consider potential costs and side effects in terms tear and wear frustration of peace-seeking guests etc?
Will the promotion of your collaborative scene-takers on you website increase the interest for both yours and your scene-takers products?
Have you already scene-maker experiences, and if yes did to analyze and synthesize your experience?