Can your tourism service be innovated through replacement?

Can your tourism service be innovated through replacement?

Can you replace service functions and increase customer value and earnings? Go through a service provision and assess whether you can take an element out and put another one in.
Can you replace materials without loss of customer value and earnings? Go through all raw materials, ingredients, office stabling etc and assess materials in terms of costs, efficiency, sustainability, image value, etc.
Can you replace processes and increase customer value and earnings? Go through all processes and assess the possibilities to use other tools.
Can you replace marketing measures without loss of customer value and earnings? Go through your marketing portfolio and assess the use of Internet, brochures and other measures.
Can you replace supplier relations? Consider whether there other suppliers, who can add new value to your product.
Can you replace staff? Consider in long term perspective, whether your staff has an optimal competence profile for your service and for the development you enterprise.