Can your tourism service be innovated through standardization?

Can your tourism service be innovated through standardization?

Can you standardize service functions and increase customer value and earnings? Go through a service provision and assess whether standardization will benefit the customers in an obvious way.
Can you standardize materials without loss of customer value and earnings? Go through all raw materials, ingredients, office stabling etc and assess if standardization can lead to costs savings and easier handling.
Can you standardize processes? Go through all processes and assess the possibilities to purchase solution or formulate procedures in exact ways that saves costs and time for the company and possibly the customers.
Can you standardize marketing measures without loss of customer value and earnings? Go through your marketing portfolio and assess how you can enhance the use of logos, templates etc.
Can you standardize supplier relations? Consider whether you can collaborate with your suppliers to ensure efficient procedures in the relationships.
Can you standardize staff? Consider how uniforms would work for you company. Consider training and teambuilding measures.