Do you give your staff a chance to be innovative?

Do you give your staff a chance to be innovative?

Is your staff well-educated?
Can your staff make decisions under their own discretion?
Are there overlapping areas of responsibility?
Are there formal meetings where development issues are discussed?
Does your staff work under constant time pressure without any time for reflection?
When you are planning new investments or new products, do you ensure an early feedback from your staff?
Can your staff be open about service failures, no matter whether the failures are the responsibility of themselves or others?
Is the staff encouraged to speak up?
Do you ask staff about experience and new ideas, when they come back from holiday?
Do you practice job rotation?
Do you practice job rotation?
Do you express an appreciation of new ideas, no matter whether they are used or not?
When a new measure is being planned and implemented, do you invite staff members into project teams?