Towards innovations in sustainable tourism. Are you assisting your visitors to avoid unnecessary use of cars?

Towards innovations in sustainable tourism. Are you assisting your visitors to avoid unnecessary use of cars?

Are you providing easily accessible information about how to reach your facilities by public transport, bicycle or walking and not only showing car-related maps in brochures and on the Internet?
Are you displaying schedules for public transport and information on ticket systems in the reception area, in handouts etc.?
Do have safe and dry parking facilities for bicycles?
Are you organizing or working with bicycle rentals?
Is there also bicycle equipment available for children?
Do you work with public authorities in order to link your facilities to bicycle and walking tracks and trails?
Is your company an active contributor to organizations that lobby for better public transportation and more soft-transportation?
Do you have maps and Internet access so that walkers and bicyclist can be well informed, and is the staff knowledgeable to assist?